Home to 507 users
Who published 82.7K posts

Server rules

Below is a summary of rules you need to follow if you want to have an account on this server of Mastodon:

  1. No Hate Speech
  2. Do not harass others
  3. CoC: Harm None and Do As You Will
  4. CoC: Be Welcoming
  5. CoC: Think: Is it True?
  6. CoC: tHink: Is it Helpful?
  7. CoC: thInk: Is it Inspiring?
  8. CoC: thiNk: Is it Necessary?
  9. CoC: thinK: Is it Kind?
  10. Image without Alt Text
  11. Sensitive: Food
  12. Sensitive: Eye Contact
  13. Sensitive: Epilepsy
  14. Sensitive: Violent
  15. CW politics
  16. CW trauma
  17. CW mental health
  18. CW tragic events
  19. CW Death or suicide
  20. CW sexually explicit
  21. CW weight loss
  22. CW drug use
  23. No fascists
  24. Notify Admin about #FediBlock (DO NOT FORWARD)
  25. Do not post content that is illegal in the United States or France
  26. Request Emojo in this post for use at Pagan.plus (DO NOT FORWARD)


Pagan+ is a federated ActivityPub social server that offers a space for those interested in spirituality, the occult, witchy stuff, and general good natured fun to share and collaborate, to learn and grow. We welcome all with good intention and banish those that would seek to do others harm of any sort.

Water and Air, Fire and Earth
Bless and cleanse this home and hearth
Drive away all harm and fear
Only good may enter here

A letter from the Admin

Hello cyberspace traveler,

Welcome to my little witchy occult aesthetic corner of the web. I’ve tried to make a space where others interested in spirituality, paganism, and generally off the beaten path ideologies can collaborate and share. My intent is to be the groundskeeper of a shared public space where others can learn and grow while learning from and helping others grow too. (And I kinda like some of the occult aesthetics.) My personal background being what it is as a white male working in the tech sector, I know I have a number of blind spots and unknown unknowns when it comes to some wider societal and cultural experiences. I am trying to keep an open mind and open gates to all. That said, I’m also aware that some aspects of this area have been appropriated, stolen, or co-opted by colonizers and haters, and will do my best to keep these poisonous pests from this garden so it stays a safe and nurturing space.

So, again, welcome and well met friend, join us and grow, and may you receive everything you deserve.


Code of Conduct

  1. Harm None and Do As You Will
  2. Be welcoming
    • We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
    • You must be 18 years or older to make an account on this site 🔞
  3. THINK before you post
    • Is it True?
    • Is it Helpful?
    • Is it Inspiring?
    • Is it Necessary?
    • Is it Kind?
  4. Do not post content that is illegal in the United States.
  5. Hate speech, slurs, derogatory remarks, will not be tolerated.

Content Warnings

Content Warnings (or CW for short) are Subject Headings that people are encouraged to use to tell people if they are talking about a particularly sensitive topic. This may include violence or current events, or food or eye contact (see full guidelines below). This is considered Good Manners™ and each server has their own specifics they might enforce locally. These Subject Lines do not prevent a post from reaching anyone, it is used to tell people about sensitive topics in the post, to hide a very long post, or set up a knock-knock joke. For remote servers, a lack of appropriate content warnings may result in multiple other servers de-federating with them so they do not have to moderate another server’s content.
  1. Sensitive Images: Images should be marked Sensitive if they meet any of the following criteria
    • Selfies or eye contact (this is general mastodon best practice).
    • Food: Images of food should be marked as sensitive
    • Strobing, flashing, or other animated gif types that may be sensitive to those with epilepsy.
    • Sexualy explicit images
    • any content that would fall under the following Content Warning category.
  2. Content Warnings should also be included for the following topics:
    • Mental Health: anxiety, depression, trauma, abuse, etc
    • Current Events: Politics, news, tragic events, etc
    • Drug Use: Cannabis, alcohol, smoking, psychedelics, etc
    • the traumatic circumstances involved when making Requests for aid, payments, frequent advertising of services, etc

For cases of nudity: Breasts are not genitalia and do not need a Sensitive Image flag. However, sexualized or fetish content that only has breasts would still be a sexualized image, and require a Sensitive image flag at least. Images with genitalia should be marked as sensitive.


Posts in violation of our Guidelines or ToS should be reported using the Report button on the post. A note as to why it was reported should be included. This applies for local and federated content. Reporting is a community responsibility as there is zero automatic filtering or curation of public data. Contribute to our community by saying something if you see something.


There are some features you can use to attempt to limit your visibility, but these should not be considered secure by any measure. Staff will do their best to respect your privacy and data, and will not seek out information outside of what is necessary in the fulfillment of their duties of their roles.
That said, the ActivityPub protocol, and Mastodon in general, were not built or designed with privacy at the core. These are social tools intended to enable sharing to many people. What that means for you is that you can expect no level of guaranteed privacy. Not for your posts and Direct Messages, not for your account information, including registration email, IP address, and details you provide. Not from Admin and Staff of this instance or (at present) our hosting providers.


We will do our best to maintain as much uptime as possible and mitigate the chances of data loss and downtime. We will allow for at least 90 days notice of server shutdown. That said, we do not currently control our own hosting environment nor have we obtained backups of data. If you are concerned about loss of data such as your posts, follow and block lists, or account information, you may use the Profile Settings options to make periodic backups of your data. We allow profile exports and redirects at this time, and in most cases will allow 30 days for banned accounts to retrieve their data at the discretion of the staff.

Donations are currently being accepted through LiberaPay in the form of recurring donations and single payments. Payment types supported by Stripe and PayPal are accepted. Our goal is to get enough small recurring donations to cover the month-to-month costs of the server and domain and reduce the administrator's out of pocket costs. Donations are only wanted on a pay-what-you-can-afford basis, and no preasure to contribute is intended.

About ActivityPub, Mastodon, and Hometown

Ah, the technical stuff! Being a computer person by trade, I find some of this stuff really fascinating. Magic can be found in the wires, and sometimes knowing how the Rube Goldberg mouse-trap cluster heck of the internet works is magic in and of itself. Here I’ll offer a brief overview of some of the different aspects and components that make this social space possible.

Basics of ActivityPub

ActivityPub can be thought of, at its most basic, as a new type of email protocol. It allows you and others to send and receive messages and media of various types between different servers online in much the same way as email. It’s format and intended use is as an alternative to other microblogging, social media, and writing platforms and services online. ActivityPub Servers are independently owned and operated by a wide variety of system administrators, with a wide background of values, beliefs, and experiences. Servers are often specialized into niche community interests or topics of focus, and even run different types of software such as Friendica, HubZilla, PeerTube, PixelFed, Plume, Misskey, WriteFreely, and others in addition to Mastodon.
You can check out ActivityPub.Rocks for further technical specifications.

What is Mastodon?

Mastodon is the server side application that first implemented and shaped ActivityPub, and is one of the most widely used software packages for ActivityPub services. The original server, Mastodon.Social, set many trends and norms for the community as a whole in the early days, and other servers have since taken up the torch of dictating norms and acceptable behavior for their own users and others that interact with them. The original Mastodon services included a 500 character post limit(up from Twitter’s 250), and custom emoji or emoticons that could be uploaded by admins to offer a more unique flavor to communications.
You can learn more about Mastodon at the main documentation site, or from Fediverse.Party.

What is Hometown?

Hometown is a fork, or derivative based on the main Mastodon server code. It was developed by Darius Kazemi and others to add features and address issues that have not been added to the main Mastodon services. Some of these features are listed below. Hometown’s main code repository can be found here:
HomeTown @ GitHub

Hometown Features

Local Only Posting
This feature allows you to make a post that stays on the local server and does not federate to the larger fediverse. This may be useful if you’re interested only in the opinions of your peers on your server or have a specific interest and don’t want comments or reactions from the peanut gallery.
You can use this on our server by adding the :local_only: emote to a post, or selecting the chain link icon on the interface to make your post local only.
More privacy features
A number of privacy features and options have been added to further limit access to an account if you choose.
Better content types and more ways to interact
Whereas core Mastodon treats certain types of content metadata as a defacto standard of sharing, Hometown is trying to make more post types specified in the ActivityPub standards guide accessible natively. What this means for you is a better reading experience when coming across different types of posts, and better sharing experiences for your friends and followers. Many of these improvements are still in the discussion and development stages at this time.

Getting Started

So, you’re joining your first fediverse server and want to know where to start. Great! Here are a few great tips!
  1. Write and Introduction post!
    • Talking about yourself can be hard, but a post that talks about your interests and what you hope to find on the fediverse and using the #introductions hashtag helps people with similar interests find each other, so use plenty of hashtags in your introduction! You can always re-write it later too.
  2. Hashtags!
    • Hashtags are a powerful tool in the fediverse, allowing you to find other posts that use a particular tag, and it helps others find what you’reposting about too! You’ll only see posts that your server has seen though, meaning someone on your server has to have been following or seen the a post with said hashtag for it to show up.
  3. Fill out your profile!
    • Having a profile picture that represents ‘you’ can be a factor in if people want to interact with you or assume yours is an inactive account. Filling in your profile description and info fields is important too. (The info fields are free form, so go wild. Many use it to include their pronouns, languages they know, or other interesting or silly info) Many people make a login but don’t fill out their profile and wonder why no one wants to interact with them, but it’s very hard to interact with someone if all you know is their username!
  4. Check out the Follow Friday tags or A.Gup.Pe discussion groups.
    • The #FollowFriday or #ff tags are used by people on the fediverse to personally recommend cool accounts to follow. Since there are no algorithms determining what content you see, its important to occasionally tell others about all the cool stuff you’re finding! Additionally, the a.gup.pe bot service works similarly to hashtags, but instead it broadcasts the messages sent to the group to anyone else following that same group. Check out @KitchenWitch@a.gup.pe to see what I mean.
  5. Errata

    We will attempt to adhear to the Mastodon Server Conenant to the best of our abilities.

    Creative Commons License
    This Code of Conduct is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Moderated servers

Hometown generally allows you to view content from and interact with users from any other server in the fediverse. These are the exceptions that have been made on this particular server.

Filtered media

Media files from these servers will not be processed or stored, and no thumbnails will be displayed, requiring manual click-through to the original file:

Server Reason
xscape.top Nsfw
ai.***i spam, anti-lgbtq, crypto
annih*******.**cial hate-speech, harassment, hate-associated
bad**.co alt-right
bers*****.*own hate-speech, alt-right, fascism
beta.*****.cf twitter, bots
bir*.****up bots, twitter
bok*.*oe alt-right, hate-associated, hate-speech, racism
catg***.*ife harassment
contra*********.club hate-associated, hate-speech
cryp*****.lol crypto
cyber*******l.eu harassment, hate-associated, spam
fer**.**fe inappropriate, underage
fre****.*yz hate-speech, hate-associated
gear******.*aus racism, alt-right, anti-lgbtq
gens****.*lub hate-associated, hate-speech
gl**.*i harassment, racism
hen***.**by inappropriate, underage
int***.**nk hate-speech
letsa*******a.in hate-associated, hate-speech
lewdi*******.com underage, inappropriate
libe****.com anti-lgbtq, harassment, racism
loli***.**cks underage, hate-speech
maste********.*o.uk alt-right, racism
mil***.**fe hate-associated, hate-speech, porn, underage
mir***.**fe racism
ob*.*h underage, alt-right, inappropriate
onio******.org harassment, hate-speech, racism
pib**.*et underage
pis****.io hate-speech
pkte*****.xyz conspiracy, alt-right
pon*.****al anti-lgbtq, racism
powere*********e.com alt-right, harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech
qua***.**ki hate-associated
rcso****.net anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech
rdr***.cc hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, harassment, racism
repu****.red alt-right, fascism, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-speech
schwa*******.xyz hate-speech, hate-associated
scot*.****ork anti-lgbtq, hate-speech
spr*****.cc alt-right, anti-lgbtq, harassment, racism
squ**.**ds hate-speech, hate-associated, racism
stere*******.*pace hate-associated, federates with CSA servers
tasti*********.net spam, anti-lgbtq
this******.*ite hate-associated, hate-speech
truth******.*o.in alt-right
twt*.**us bots, twitter

Limited servers

Posts from these servers will be hidden in public timelines and conversations, and no notifications will be generated from their users interactions, unless you are following them:

Server Reason
aspiechattr.me unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
aus.social Too large. Failure to moderate hate speach, harassment,
bylines.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
c.im Unmoderated
dirtyhobby.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
disqordia.space unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
dob**.**wn Hate speach
don.neet.co.jp Limited because of spam.
eightpoint.app unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
elekk.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
firefish.social Harassment by admin
freezepeach.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
gentoo.live unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
helladoge.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
iamal***.***ital Badly behaving follow bot
jorts.horse Trolling and disruptive activities
kibitz.cloud unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
kokuusa.club Limited because of spam.
kolek****.**cial Unable or unwilling to moderate hate speach and harassment
lesbian.energy Misskey unmarked language spam
mapsupport.de harassment
mastadon.astuto.cc Limited because of spam.
masto***.*****m.pw Spam
mastodon.social Insufficient moderation
mediastodon.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mini****.**kyo Language spam, miscomfigured posts
mis****.cf malformed posts resulting in spam
molaguay.xyz Limited because of spam.
mstdn.io unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mstdn.jp unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
nasface.cz Limited because of spam.
newsrelay.org Unmoderated news reposting
niscii.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
porntoot.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
press.coop unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
psim**.**rld bot spam
qoto.org Does not moderate hate speach
raspberrypi.social Tone deaf support of police surveillance with their products (silance brand)
respublicae.eu unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
rot.gives hate-speach
seikora.one unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
seo.chat unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
servernerds.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
snarfed.org Data scraping, blue sky bridge, malicious
social.purrucker.de Limited because of spam.
sus**.*ki Language spam, miscomfigured poata
tambayan.us Limited because of spam.
techhub.social Open sign ups resulting in spam accounts
toad.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
udongein.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
universeodon.com Open federation with Meta Project92. Initiated contact
ursal.zone unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
vrij.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
worm.pink hate-associated, spam
xscape.top Nsfw

Suspended servers

No data from these servers will be processed, stored or exchanged, making any interaction or communication with users from these servers impossible:

Server Reason
076.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
076.ne.jp https://federater.github.io/076-ne-jp.html
101010.pl https://federater.github.io/101010-pl.html
10minutepleroma.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
13bells.com https://federater.github.io/13bells-com.html
1611.social https://federater.github.io/1611-social.html
1745.info unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
4aem.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
4ch**.*cu Hate speach
5dollah.click https://federater.github.io/5dollah-click.html
765r*****.com Nazisim
80percent.social https://federater.github.io/80percent-social.html
8777.ch https://federater.github.io/8777-ch.html
abraham.su https://federater.github.io/abraham-su.html
activitypub-proxy.cf Malicious traffic
activitypub-troll.cf Malicious traffic
activitypub.agates.io https://federater.github.io/activitypub-agates-io.html
addy.gg unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
aethy.com https://federater.github.io/aethy-com.html
affiliates.social Spam
agates.io unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ai.***i spam, anti-lgbtq, crypto
airis.work https://federater.github.io/airis-work.html
alteregocreations.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
amala.schwartzwelt.xyz https://federater.github.io/amala-schwartzwelt-xyz.html
ams3-03.smarterliving.nl BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
ancreport.com https://federater.github.io/ancreport-com.html
ancreport.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
anemoneya.me https://federater.github.io/anemoneya-me.html
angrytoday.com https://federater.github.io/angrytoday-com.html
anime.website unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
animesexual.community unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
annih*******.**cial hate-speech, harassment, hate-associated
anon-kenkai.com https://federater.github.io/anon-kenkai-com.html
arachnid.town https://federater.github.io/arachnid-town.html
arasaka.vip https://federater.github.io/arasaka-vip.html
archi*********.fun Aggregates and crosses public data
ariona.fr https://federater.github.io/ariona-fr.html
asbestos.cafe troll
asimon.org https://federater.github.io/asimon-org.html
asphodel.rip https://federater.github.io/asphodel-rip.html
asteroidm.space unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
awootism.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
awscommunity.social Amazon official(?) instance
b.booots.tech BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
babay.icu unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
bad**.co alt-right
bajax.us https://federater.github.io/bajax-us.html
banepo.st https://federater.github.io/banepo-st.html
bar***.*et Child Sexual Abuse
bassam.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
bearbirdsite.sicem.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
beef*****.*lub Hate speach
beef*****.win Swastika emojo
beepboop.ga https://federater.github.io/beepboop-ga.html
bers*****.*own hate-speech, alt-right, fascism
beta.*****.cf twitter, bots
bgzashtita.es unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
bibly.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
biendeo.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
bigguys.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
bike****.**rty Hate speach
birb.byte.wtf BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birb.redra1n.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birb.stream BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birbber.hotfemboy.pics BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.chauvet.pro BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.docmeth02.host BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.evilcyberhacker.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.geiger.ee BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.gensokyo.info BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.granford.uk BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.hock.one BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.im-in.space BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.istheguy.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.karatek.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.kuendig.io BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.lummerland.ddnss.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bir*.****up bots, twitter
bird.makeup.hwarf.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.neolyum.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.r669.live BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.seafoam.space BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.shitposted.today BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.tracto.pl BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.waffles.fun BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.xtra.nu BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.zerojay.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bird.zvo.io BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdbots.leptonics.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdlive.grupotd.nat.cu BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdmakeup.opiumpost.org BirdMakeup/Bot
birds.garden unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
birdsite.am-institute.swiss BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.archybold.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.axeleroy.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.b93.dece.space BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.blahaj.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.blazelight.dev BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.cbruegg.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.centennial.root.sx BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.cloutier.co BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.csachweh.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.darkesttimeline.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.datboi.network BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.davinkevin.fr BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.dfu.co BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.falkensweb.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.felixmueller.cloud BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.frog.fashion BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.gabeappleton.me BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.gnyo.org BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.gred.al BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.gxvwb.dev BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.hexix.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.hwarf.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.ingwie.me BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.intra.kaijauch.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.james.moody.name BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.jemverse.xyz BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.jupiterslanding.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.k-fortytwo.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.kaijauch.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.kohl.dev BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.koyu.space BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.lakedrops.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.link BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.lipsia.casa BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.live BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.lluni.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.marschik.me BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.mastodon.land BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.mastodon.me.uk BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.miisu.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.monster BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.nickurak.ca BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.noitl.space BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.nytpu.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.oliviaappleton.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.otmns.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.outadoc.fr BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.personally.tech BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.platypush.tech BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.rap.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.retiolus.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.schafscheiss.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.seejy.ninja BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.skye.cx BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.slashdev.space BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.spectreos.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.stop.pe BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.tableflip.zone BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.tcjc.uk BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.tedandrachel.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.thorlaksson.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.toot.si BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.vish.link BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.vrparty.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.weiranzhang.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsite.wilde.cloud BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.angrydome.au BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.baguette-it.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.chatty.monster BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.codingneko.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.falschgold.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.ffvo.dev BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.janngobble.synology.me BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.kevinyank.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.laski.app BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.leonardwong.tech BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.loca.lt BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.mastodon.vm.statshelix.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.moistgarbage.info BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.nullreference.io BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.obey.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.opiumpost.org BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.peanutlasko.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.samedwards.ca BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.sboulema.nl BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.self-hosted.site BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
birdsitelive.treffler.cloud BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bitco*********.org hate speech
bitcoinlizard.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
bitcointv.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
blac****.***ial Nazi
blazingopen.space https://federater.github.io/blazingopen-space.html
blob.cat https://federater.github.io/blob-cat.html
blockedur.mom unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
blue.worldkey.io BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bmu.beerinacan.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bok*.*oe alt-right, hate-associated, hate-speech, racism
boostwithmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
boostwithmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
bot.gallion.sh BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
boymoder.biz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
boyter.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
bozgor.org https://federater.github.io/bozgor-org.html
brainsoap.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
brapbarn.farm https://federater.github.io/brapbarn-farm.html
breastmilk.club https://federater.github.io/breastmilk-club.html
brid.gy Data scraping, harassment bridge, automatic opt-in
bridge.booots.tech BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bridge.yopp.me BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bridgebot.b-wells.us BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
brotka.st https://federater.github.io/brotka-st.html
bsite.spiderden.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsky.social Unmoderated hate speach, harassment, data scraping
bsl.18m250.org BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.adamstas.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.allofti.me BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.beerinacan.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.compostintraining.club BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.fedi.grh.am BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.gronk.cc BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.m-n.live BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.pride-rock-labs.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.shrdr.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.sid500.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.tuxz.one BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bsl.zogan.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
bubbletea.dev https://federater.github.io/bubbletea-dev.html
bungle.online Trolling
bussy.monster unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
cachapa.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
cachapa.xyz https://federater.github.io/cachapa-xyz.html
cafkafk.com https://federater.github.io/cafkafk-com.html
calobar.club https://federater.github.io/calobar-club.html
campduffel.social https://federater.github.io/campduffel-social.html
careersatmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
carnivore.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
catg***.*ife harassment
cawfee.club https://federater.github.io/cawfee-club.html
cdrom.tokyo unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
celebrity.social Griff
chamba.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
childpawn.shop unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
chud****.lol Hate speach
chudbuds.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
chungus.cc unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ck.treasuredgem.xyz https://federater.github.io/ck-treasuredgem-xyz.html
ckpg.space unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
clew.lol unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
clown.******sity CSAM
clq.im https://federater.github.io/clq-im.html
club*******.co Harassment
cobblestone.rocks unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
collapsitarian.io https://federater.github.io/collapsitarian-io.html
comfyboy.club https://federater.github.io/comfyboy-club.html
comfysnug.space https://federater.github.io/comfysnug-space.html
contentnation.net Content Scraper, ignores robots.txt
contra*********.club hate-associated, hate-speech
coolsite.win unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
cp2.jaxbeach.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
crid.land https://federater.github.io/crid-land.html
crlf.ninja https://federater.github.io/crlf-ninja.html
crowleyclub.com https://federater.github.io/crowleyclub-com.html
cruc****.**ace Transphobia, ablism
crucible.world https://federater.github.io/crucible-world.html
cryp*****.lol crypto
cryptotalks.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
cryptotooter.com https://federater.github.io/cryptotooter-com.html
csdisaster.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
cuicui.senpaga.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
cum.camp https://federater.github.io/cum-camp.html
cum.salon https://federater.github.io/cum-salon.html
cunnyborea.space Hate speach
cunn******.top Spam
curatedbymeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
curatedbymeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
cute*****.net Csam, racism
cyber*******l.eu harassment, hate-associated, spam
cyberretards.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
cyberstorm.one https://federater.github.io/cyberstorm-one.html
d-fe**.****ems Malicious follow bot
danksquad.org https://federater.github.io/danksquad-org.html
danksquad.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
danrees.me https://federater.github.io/danrees-me.html
dark-alexandr.net https://federater.github.io/dark-alexandr-net.html
darknight-coffee.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
darlow.co.uk unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
daspr.io unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
dataforgoodatmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
dataforgoodatmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
dataforgoodfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
dataforgoodfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
ddns.net https://federater.github.io/ddns-net.html
decayable.ink Hate speach
decept.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
declin.eu Follow bot
dembased.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
desupost.soy unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
detro**********.com hate speach
dev-wiki.de unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
dickkickextremist.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
digitalmarketer.social https://federater.github.io/digitalmarketer-social.html
dingdash.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
dissident.business unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
diversityatmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
diversityatmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
dixies.land unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
djsumdog.com https://federater.github.io/djsumdog-com.html
dline.xyz https://federater.github.io/dline-xyz.html
dmgd.monster https://federater.github.io/dmgd-monster.html
doctors4covidethics.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
dogsex.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
dotsod.com https://federater.github.io/dotsod-com.html
drow.be unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
dtzbts.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
duckdns.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
duti.tech https://federater.github.io/duti-tech.html
eatthebugs.social https://federater.github.io/eatthebugs-social.html
echelon.pl unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
eeeeeeeee.eu https://federater.github.io/eeeeeeeee-eu.html
eie****.*rg Troll
elementality.org https://federater.github.io/elementality-org.html
emacs.ch Harassment
endtimebelievers.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
enes.lv https://federater.github.io/enes-lv.html
epenguin.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
epsilon.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
equel.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
esmailelbob.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
exi***.eu Racism
exploding-heads.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
expl*****.**rty hate speech
expression.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
expresswififrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
expresswififrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
f.haeder.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
facebookfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
fans.sonichu.com https://federater.github.io/fans-sonichu-com.html
fbxl.net https://federater.github.io/fbxl-net.html
federated.fun https://federater.github.io/federated-fun.html
fedi.site unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
fedihams.net https://federater.github.io/fedihams-net.html
fedis******.info data scrapper
fediverse-lite.com https://federater.github.io/fediverse-lite-com.html
fediverse.projectftm.com https://federater.github.io/fediverse-projectftm-com.html
fediversealmanac.com Data scraping
fediv**********.com Hate speach
fedposters.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
feed.vance.land Spam
feline.rodeo https://federater.github.io/feline-rodeo.html
fer**.**fe inappropriate, underage
fightthis.net https://federater.github.io/fightthis-net.html
firedragonstudios.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
firefaithfellowship.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
flashist.video Spam
fluf.club https://federater.github.io/fluf-club.html
foxfam.club https://federater.github.io/foxfam-club.html
fr13nd5.com https://federater.github.io/fr13nd5-com.html
freea*******.com Hate speach
freecu*********t.com hate speach
freedomstrike.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
freedomstrike.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
freesoftwareextremist.com https://federater.github.io/freesoftwareextremist-com.html
freespeech.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
freespeech.group https://federater.github.io/freespeech-group.html
freesp************t.com Racism, sexism and transphobia
frees*********.com Plemora launchpad
freet*******.com Unmoderated
freethinkers.lgbt https://federater.github.io/freethinkers-lgbt.html
freewahaextremist.wtf unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
freezepeach.online https://federater.github.io/freezepeach-online.html
fre****.*yz hate-speech, hate-associated
froth.zone https://federater.github.io/froth-zone.html
fulltermprivacy.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
fuwa.pink https://federater.github.io/fuwa-pink.html
ga*.*i hate speech
gab.**st Hate speach
ga*.**m hate speech
gab.io unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
gab.p********.net hate speech
gabe.rocks unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
gabfed.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
gamel******.club hate speech
gamers.exposed https://federater.github.io/gamers-exposed.html
gangstalking.services unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
gasthe.lgbt unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
gateway.occm.cc BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
gay.lesaoras.xyz https://federater.github.io/gay-lesaoras-xyz.html
gaycum.de Unwanted aggressive bot follows. Suspected troll
gear******.*aus racism, alt-right, anti-lgbtq
gende*********.xyz transgender hate
gens****.*lub hate-associated, hate-speech
geofront.rocks https://federater.github.io/geofront-rocks.html
get***.*rg UnCWed
gh0**.**ve Hate speach, trolling
ghetti.monster https://federater.github.io/ghetti-monster.html
gigaohm.bio https://federater.github.io/gigaohm-bio.html
girevik.su https://federater.github.io/girevik-su.html
gitmo.life unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
glea*******.com Transphobia
gl**.*i harassment, racism
gli***.*rg Transphobia
glitch.gray.cafe https://federater.github.io/glitch-gray-cafe.html
glowers.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
glowie.cloud https://federater.github.io/glowie-cloud.html
glownow.club https://federater.github.io/glownow-club.html
gnu.moe https://federater.github.io/gnu-moe.html
gnuhacker.org https://federater.github.io/gnuhacker-org.html
goreslut.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
gorf.pub https://federater.github.io/gorf-pub.html
gorf.space https://federater.github.io/gorf-space.html
goy**.*pp Nazism
goyslop.cafe https://federater.github.io/goyslop-cafe.html
gravure.club https://federater.github.io/gravure-club.html
greenboys.club https://federater.github.io/greenboys-club.html
greenfield.masto.host https://federater.github.io/greenfield-masto-host.html
guizzyordi.info https://federater.github.io/guizzyordi-info.html
haeder.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
hallsofamenti.io unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
hand*******.io Hate speach
hand*******.tk Hate speach
haskovec.social https://federater.github.io/haskovec-social.html
hdcraft.xyz https://federater.github.io/hdcraft-xyz.html
hedgehoghunter.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
hellthread.church unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
hendrixgames.com https://federater.github.io/hendrixgames-com.html
hen***.**by inappropriate, underage
hermit.cafe https://federater.github.io/hermit-cafe.html
hermitmountain.top https://federater.github.io/hermitmountain-top.html
hi.moe.tips https://federater.github.io/hi-moe-tips.html
hidamari.apartments https://federater.github.io/hidamari-apartments.html
himk.am unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
hirad.it unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
hitchhiker.social https://federater.github.io/hitchhiker-social.html
homd.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
homu****.com Child Sexual Abuse
honkwerx.tech https://federater.github.io/honkwerx-tech.html
horizonfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
horizonfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
hornyjail.pro https://federater.github.io/hornyjail-pro.html
https:mostr.pub Hate speach
https********.club Hate speach
hunk.city unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
husk.site https://federater.github.io/husk-site.html
iamterminally.online https://federater.github.io/iamterminally-online.html
iddq*.***ial Hate speech and harassment
idolheaven.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ie**.*e Openly federating with instances made for hate speach
igno******.com :sus:
ikbenpiraat.nl https://federater.github.io/ikbenpiraat-nl.html
imirhil.fr unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
impeccable.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
inferencium.net https://federater.github.io/inferencium-net.html
initiate.space https://federater.github.io/initiate-space.html
instagramfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
instagramfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
instinctd.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
int***.**nk hate-speech
inumbra.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ironbug.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
isesh.com https://federater.github.io/isesh-com.html
jir.moe https://federater.github.io/jir-moe.html
jobsatmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
jobsatmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
jollyville.net https://federater.github.io/jollyville-net.html
journa.host Doxing admins, publicizing stalker tools
justbros.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
justic********.*ocial Hate speach
jvpiter.net https://federater.github.io/jvpiter-net.html
kabuki.club https://federater.github.io/kabuki-club.html
kafe****.***ial Harassment
karj******.se Hate speach
kawa-kun.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
kawen.space unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
kazar.ma Scraper
kenhbit.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
khajiit.tech https://federater.github.io/khajiit-tech.html
killbox.social https://federater.github.io/killbox-social.html
kitsunemimi.club https://federater.github.io/kitsunemimi-club.html
kiwifarms.is unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
kiwifarms.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
kompost.cz https://federater.github.io/kompost-cz.html
kotobank.ch unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
kurosawa.moe https://federater.github.io/kurosawa-moe.html
kyaruc.moe https://federater.github.io/kyaruc-moe.html
kys.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
lain.com https://federater.github.io/lain-com.html
lain.gay https://federater.github.io/lain-gay.html
lain.la unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
lain.sh https://federater.github.io/lain-sh.html
lainchan.gay https://federater.github.io/lainchan-gay.html
layoutfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
layoutfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
leadslinger.org https://federater.github.io/leadslinger-org.html
leafposter.club https://federater.github.io/leafposter-club.html
leftychan.net https://federater.github.io/leftychan-net.html
leonardwong.dev BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
lets.saynoto.lgbt unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
letsa*******a.in hate-associated, hate-speech
lewdi*******.com underage, inappropriate
lgbtfree.zone https://federater.github.io/lgbtfree-zone.html
liberal.city https://federater.github.io/liberal-city.html
libe****.com anti-lgbtq, harassment, racism
librem.one unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
librenet.co.za unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
libtar.de https://federater.github.io/libtar-de.html
lightlyseared.online https://federater.github.io/lightlyseared-online.html
ligma.pro https://federater.github.io/ligma-pro.html
like*.***ial Hiver clone
lizards.live https://federater.github.io/lizards-live.html
logografos.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
loli.best unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
lol*.****te Child Sexual Abuse
loli***.**cks underage, hate-speech
lolison.network https://federater.github.io/lolison-network.html
lolison.top https://federater.github.io/lolison-top.html
lolitube.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
longyap.name.my https://federater.github.io/longyap-name-my.html
loveforlandlords.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
lovesick.social https://federater.github.io/lovesick-social.html
lovingexpressions.net https://federater.github.io/lovingexpressions-net.html
lucasvl.nl unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ma.fellr.net https://federater.github.io/ma-fellr-net.html
ma.jameuwu.com https://federater.github.io/ma-jameuwu-com.html
macsnet.cz https://federater.github.io/macsnet-cz.html
mahodou.moe https://federater.github.io/mahodou-moe.html
makemysarcophagus.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
maladaptive.art https://federater.github.io/maladaptive-art.html
maneisacutie.club https://federater.github.io/maneisacutie-club.html
marsey.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
marsey.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
masochi.st https://federater.github.io/masochi-st.html
mast.socialspill.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
maste********.*o.uk alt-right, racism
masthead.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mastinator.com Malicious
masto.bobbybasement.noho.st Spam
mastodon.cf unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mastodon.cloud Unmoderated hate speach, federation with Nazi services
mastodon.com.pl https://federater.github.io/mastodon-com-pl.html
mastodon.com.tr cryptospam
mastod**.*********.cafe Hate speach
mastod**.*****.*ocial Spam
mastodon.la Troll
mastodon.ml unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mas*****.se allowing anti-abortionists, anti-political correctness, people who have been harassing other users, etc.,
mastodon.socialspill.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
mastodon.staycuriousandkeepsmil.in Troll
mastodon.top Spam sign ups
mastodong.lol https://federater.github.io/mastodong-lol.html
meatbag.app unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
medi******.org Follow bot
meld.de unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
meme.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
merovingian.club https://federater.github.io/merovingian-club.html
messengerfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
messengerfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaboomerang.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaboostleadersnetwork.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaboostleadersnetwork.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaboostyourbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaboostyourbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metabulletin.us We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaexpresswifi.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaf8.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaf8.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaf8conference.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaf8conference.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebook.name We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebook.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebook.us We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookcrisisresponse.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookcrisisresponse.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookdating.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookdating.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookdisasterresponse.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookdisasterresponse.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookentertainment.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookentertainment.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookfundraisers.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookfundraisers.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookgroups.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookgroups.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookinfluencers.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookinfluencers.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookinstantarticles.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookinstantarticles.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooklite.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooklite.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooklive.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooklive.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooklocal.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooklocal.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookmarketplace.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookmarketplace.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookprivacy.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookprivacy.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooksports.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooksports.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookstickersz.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookstickersz.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooktownhall.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebooktownhall.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookwatch.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafacebookwatch.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafb.name We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafbgroups.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafbgroups.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafbmarketplace.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafbmarketplace.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafbmarketplace.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafbmarketplace.us We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafightcovidmisinfo.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafightcovidmisinfo.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforcreators.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforcreators.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafordevelopers.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafordevelopers.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforeducation.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforeducation.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforgovernment.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforgovernment.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforgpa.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaforgpa.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafreebasics.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metafreebasics.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metagpa.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metagpa.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metagreatdaytovideo.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metagreatdaytovideo.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahackforgood.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahackforgood.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahackthefuture.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahackthefuture.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahorizonvenues.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahorizonvenues.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahorizonworkrooms.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahorizonworkrooms.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahorizonworlds.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahorizonworlds.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahouseofinstagram.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahouseofinstagram.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahyperlapse.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metahyperlapse.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigboomerang.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigboomerang.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigforcreators.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigforcreators.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigreels.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigreels.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigtv.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaigtv.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagram.name We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagram.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramboomerang.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramboomerang.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagrameng.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagrameng.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramforbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramforbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramforcreators.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramforcreators.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramhyperlapse.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramhyperlapse.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramlayout.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramlayout.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramreels.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramreels.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramthreads.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstagramthreads.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstantarticles.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metainstantarticles.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaiqhackthefuture.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaiqhackthefuture.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metajournalismaccelerator.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metajournalismaccelerator.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metajournalismproject.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metajournalismproject.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metalightweightinterfaces.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metalightweightinterfaces.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamarketingpartner.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamarketingpartner.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamarketplace.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessenger.com.sg We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessenger.name We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessenger.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerbrand.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerbrand.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerforbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerforbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerkids.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerkids.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerlite.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerlite.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerrooms.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metamessengerrooms.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanewproductexperimentation.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanewproductexperimentation.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanewsroom.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanovi.name We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanovi.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanovibrand.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanovibrand.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanpe.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metanpe.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusdevelopers.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusdevelopers.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusforbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusforbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusquest.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusquest.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusstudios.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusstudios.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusvenues.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaoculusvenues.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaopenarts.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaopenarts.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metapixelads.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metapixelads.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportal.name We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalbrand.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalbrand.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalforbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalforbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalgo.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalgo.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalmini.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalmini.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalplus.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportalplus.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportaltv.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaportaltv.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metapytorch.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metapytorch.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestdevelopers.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestdevelopers.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestforbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestforbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaqueststorystudios.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaqueststorystudios.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaqueststudios.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaqueststudios.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestvenues.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestvenues.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestvrforgood.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquestvrforgood.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquill.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaquill.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metarightsmanager.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metarightsmanager.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metarightstool.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metarightstool.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasalespartners.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasalespartners.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasocialgood.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasocialgood.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasocialimpact.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasocialimpact.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasparkar.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasparkar.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasparkarstudio.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metasparkarstudio.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metatechprep.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metatechprep.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaterragraph.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaterragraph.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metatransparency.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metatransparencyreport.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metatransparencyreport.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metavrforgood.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metavrforgood.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metawhatsapp.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metawhatsappbusiness.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metawhatsappbusiness.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metawhatsapppayments.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metawhatsapppayments.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplace.name We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplace.tv We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplacebrand.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplacebrand.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplacechat.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplacechat.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplaceforgood.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metaworkplaceforgood.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metazerofrictionfuture.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
metazerofrictionfuture.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
midwaytrades.com https://federater.github.io/midwaytrades-com.html
miku-enthusiast.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mil***.**fe hate-associated, hate-speech, porn, underage
milkers.online unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
miniwa.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mirr0r.city https://federater.github.io/mirr0r-city.html
mir***.**fe racism
misskey-forkbomb.cf Malicious traffic
mitra.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
moa.st unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
moe.onl https://federater.github.io/moe-onl.html
monofed.com Spam
mooo.com https://federater.github.io/mooo-com.html
morale.ch unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mostr.pub Hate speach
mouse.services unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
mr64.net https://federater.github.io/mr64-net.html
mrhands.horse https://federater.github.io/mrhands-horse.html
mu.zaitcev.nu unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
muh.wang https://federater.github.io/muh-wang.html
murky.club https://federater.github.io/murky-club.html
musk******.com Terrible personality cult
mxi*.*oe Spam
nalocal519.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
narrativerry.xyz https://federater.github.io/narrativerry-xyz.html
nateh******.**line Hate speach
nationaljustice.social https://federater.github.io/nationaljustice-social.html
nazi.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
neckbeard.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
needs.vodka unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
neen****.org Hate speach
neet.church unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
negr***.****ale Racism
nekocave.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
netz.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
netzsphaere.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
newj***.*ity follow bot hub
newsatmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
newsatmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
newsie.social Allows transphobic content as valid news
nicec***.***ital Trans hate
nightshift.social https://federater.github.io/nightshift-social.html
nikotile.xyz https://federater.github.io/nikotile-xyz.html
nixnet.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
noage*********.com Hate speach
noagendasocial.nl unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
noagendatube.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
nobod*******.biz Nazisim
noc.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
normie.cafe https://federater.github.io/normie-cafe.html
norw*******.net Hate speach, harassment
novifrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
novifrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
novoa.nagoya unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
nuked.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
nukem.biz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
nullthe.net Bot follows
nya.gay unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ob*.*h underage, alt-right, inappropriate
office.dtzbts.xyz https://federater.github.io/office-dtzbts-xyz.html
onio******.org harassment, hate-speech, racism
optiplex.wallaby-bass.ts.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
ortodogs.info unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
otakufarms.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
oti.st https://federater.github.io/oti-st.html
ouda.space https://federater.github.io/ouda-space.html
outerheaven.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
outerkosm.us unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
outpoa.st https://federater.github.io/outpoa-st.html
p.e***.lv Hate speach
parcero.bond Spam, harassment
pawl*****.com Hate speach
paw**.*et Child pornography (lolicon)
paws.moe https://federater.github.io/paws-moe.html
paypig.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
pech.tech unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
pedo.school https://federater.github.io/pedo-school.html
pengi-san.moe unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
phreedom.tk unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
piazza.today unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
pib**.*et underage
piev****.net hate speach
pirateradio.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
pis****.io hate-speech
pixificial.xyz https://federater.github.io/pixificial-xyz.html
pizzaf.art unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
pkte*****.xyz conspiracy, alt-right
pl.smuglo.li unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
plagu.ee unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
platypush.tech unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
pler***.***.us Follow bot
plus.st https://federater.github.io/plus-st.html
pmth.us https://federater.github.io/pmth-us.html
po*.*t hate speach
poast.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
poast.tv unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
polaris-1.work https://federater.github.io/polaris-1-work.html
polaris.bonespr.it BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
politbird.twexodus.top BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
pon*.****al anti-lgbtq, racism
poop**.***ial Troll
poridge.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
portal.0svc.com Spam
portalfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
portalfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
posix.gay https://federater.github.io/posix-gay.html
post.ebin.club https://federater.github.io/post-ebin-club.html
poster.place https://federater.github.io/poster-place.html
posting.lolicon.rocks https://federater.github.io/posting-lolicon-rocks.html
pouque.net unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
powere*********e.com alt-right, harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech
prete*******.biz Child Sexual Abuse
probablyfreespeech.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
projectftm.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
prospeech.space unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ps.m0n5t3r.info https://federater.github.io/ps-m0n5t3r-info.html
pseudo-whiskey.bar unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
psion.co https://federater.github.io/psion-co.html
pso.li unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
pube.tk unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
px.mathias777.com Spam
pytorchfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
pytorchfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
qua***.**ki hate-associated
queer.hacktivis.me https://federater.github.io/queer-hacktivis-me.html
questfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
questfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
quey.la unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
quodverum.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
r18.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
rage.lol unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
rageparty.club https://federater.github.io/rageparty-club.html
rakket.app unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
rap*.*et hate speach
rapefe*******.**twork Rape
rapemeat.solutions https://federater.github.io/rapemeat-solutions.html
rap***.**wn rape
raptor*********ng.io Malicious Advertising
rar****.ga Security/Privacy threat
rayci.st https://federater.github.io/rayci-st.html
rcso****.net anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech
rdr***.cc hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, harassment, racism
real.dogsex.org https://federater.github.io/real-dogsex-org.html
rebased.io https://federater.github.io/rebased-io.html
rebased.network https://federater.github.io/rebased-network.html
rebased.social https://federater.github.io/rebased-social.html
rebelbase.site unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
redpill-insight.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
redplanetlabs.com Hot garbage
redstateliberal.social https://federater.github.io/redstateliberal-social.html
refusal.llc Csa, animal abuse, hate speach
refuse2.work https://federater.github.io/refuse2-work.html
reisen.church unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
relay.scottsmall.org BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
remnant.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
repl.co Malicious traffic
repu****.red alt-right, fascism, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-speech
retardedniggers.forsale unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
rodent.life unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
rojo****.com Trans hate
roysbeer.place unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ruinouspowe.rs unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
ryona.agency https://federater.github.io/ryona-agency.html
sacre*.*****.*aith Troll, hate speach
sad.cab https://federater.github.io/sad-cab.html
sakamoto.gq https://federater.github.io/sakamoto-gq.html
salastil.com https://federater.github.io/salastil-com.html
salushnes.solutions https://federater.github.io/salushnes-solutions.html
satoshishop.de https://federater.github.io/satoshishop-de.html
saynoto.lgbt unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
scarlet.house unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
schwa*******.xyz hate-speech, hate-associated
scot*.****ork anti-lgbtq, hate-speech
sea*.**fe Trans hate
sealion.club unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
secretsealing.club https://federater.github.io/secretsealing-club.html
shadowsocial.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
sharivegas.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
sheep.network unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
shigusegubu.club https://federater.github.io/shigusegubu-club.html
shita******.life Child Sexual Abuse
shitpost.cloud https://federater.github.io/shitpost-cloud.html
shitpost.racing https://federater.github.io/shitpost-racing.html
shit******.*lub UnCWed posts
shortstackran.ch https://federater.github.io/shortstackran-ch.html
shota.house https://federater.github.io/shota-house.html
shota.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
shotatube.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
shouldibuyahorse.com https://federater.github.io/shouldibuyahorse-com.html
shpposter.club https://federater.github.io/shpposter-club.html
shrine.moe https://federater.github.io/shrine-moe.html
silliness.observer Fediblock
singing.dog https://federater.github.io/singing-dog.html
skinnyver.se https://federater.github.io/skinnyver-se.html
skippers-bin.com https://federater.github.io/skippers-bin-com.html
skorpil.cz Data Scraper
skyshanty.xyz https://federater.github.io/skyshanty-xyz.html
slash.cl https://federater.github.io/slash-cl.html
sleepy.cafe https://federater.github.io/sleepy-cafe.html
sliek.social https://federater.github.io/sliek-social.html
smittenkittens.xyz https://federater.github.io/smittenkittens-xyz.html
smuglo.li unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
snea*.***lin data scraper
sneed.social https://federater.github.io/sneed-social.html
sneed.vip https://federater.github.io/sneed-vip.html
socia*.***.*e.jp Hate speach
socia*.*******i.de Nazi instance
social.mykolayiv.dcomm.net.ua Troll
soci**.**out hate speach
social.res***************.*echnology Suspicious follow actions
social.right.wtf ReplyGuy™
socialgoblins.club https://federater.github.io/socialgoblins-club.html
socialimpactfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
socialimpactfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
socialloods.nl BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
sol***.*om Bitcoin spam
sonichu.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
sovran.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
soykaf.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
spearman.xyz unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
sperg.city https://federater.github.io/sperg-city.html
spin****.dev hate speech
spin****.xyz hate speech
spook.social https://federater.github.io/spook-social.html
spr*****.cc alt-right, anti-lgbtq, harassment, racism
squ**.**ds hate-speech, hate-associated, racism
st.*k Maliciously suspicious domain and plemora account activity.
starnix.network https://federater.github.io/starnix-network.html
stere*******.*pace hate-associated, federates with CSA servers
stormcloak.info unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
stracknet.com https://federater.github.io/stracknet-com.html
stre*****.net UnCWed content
super******.club Child Sexual Abuse
suya.place https://federater.github.io/suya-place.html
syspxl.xyz Hate speach
t.beergeek.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
t.l3r.me BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
t2m.davinkevin.fr BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
takesama.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
talk-here.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
tasti*********.net spam, anti-lgbtq
taullo.social https://federater.github.io/taullo-social.html
teci.world https://federater.github.io/teci-world.html
terr****.**ace Hate speach
tesaguri.club https://federater.github.io/tesaguri-club.html
the9thcircle.club https://federater.github.io/the9thcircle-club.html
theapex.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
thebag.social https://federater.github.io/thebag-social.html
the****.*rg Hate speach
thec***.*one Nazisim
thechimp.zone unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
thejar.club https://federater.github.io/thejar-club.html
theres.life unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
thisis.mylegendary.quest https://federater.github.io/mylegendary-quest.html
this******.*ite hate-associated, hate-speech
threads.instagram.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
threads.net Meta Facebook domain
tinybirdsite.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
tka****.de Hate speach
tkw.fm https://federater.github.io/tkw-fm.html
tmed******.io hate speach
tnd.lol unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
tomo.airen-no-jikken.icu https://federater.github.io/tomo-airen-no-jikken-icu.html
too*.**ve Nazisim
toot.pt unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
touha.me unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
troll.cafe https://federater.github.io/troll-cafe.html
truth******.*o.in alt-right
trut*******.com Hate speach
truthsocialpro.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
tuusin.misono-ya.info https://federater.github.io/tuusin-misono-ya-info.html
tweetbridge.kogasa.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
tweetbridge.mollys.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
tweetrans.ff15.eu BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
tweets.icu BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
tweets.puddle.town BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twit.cryolog.in BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitbridge.click BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitiverse.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
twitter.829.hu BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.com It's Twitter :birdsite:
twitter.cryobyte.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.dev.holtwick.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.doesnotexist.club BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.felixmueller.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.grants.cafe BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.kfem.cat BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.moxr.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.piriklub.eu BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.savvas.cloud BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.toots.ro BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.tresor.eyhoff.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitter.ukd.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitterbridge.mastodon.maki0419.com BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twitterfeed.furrypaws.cc BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twittergateway.10247.berlin BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twt.pufferzone.racing BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twtr.3q3.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twtr.astra.lol BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twtr.carnivore.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twtr.ingeechat.party BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twt*.**us bots, twitter
twtr.vrij.social BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
twtrbridge.de BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
tyil.nl https://federater.github.io/tyil-nl.html
ua-fediland.de Bot troll farm
unbo***.***ial Troll
ungoverned.social https://federater.github.io/ungoverned-social.html
unperson.us unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
unsafe.space unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
urchan.org https://federater.github.io/urchan-org.html
urspringer.de https://federater.github.io/urspringer-de.html
usualsuspects.lol Hate speach harassment
uwu.social unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
valkyrie.world https://federater.github.io/valkyrie-world.html
vamp***.***ate Child Sexual Abuse
veenus.art https://federater.github.io/veenus-art.html
vfpmedia.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
violence.church unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
viridianpatriots.com https://federater.github.io/viridianpatriots-com.html
vladtepesblog.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
vtweet.live BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
wagesofsinisdeath.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
waifuism.life https://federater.github.io/waifuism-life.html
wake.st unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
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whatsappfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
whinge.house unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
whinge.town https://federater.github.io/whinge-town.html
white.fly.dev BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
whitewomen.dog unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
wideboys.org https://federater.github.io/wideboys-org.html
willtrade.org unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
winte*****.*r.to Uninvited follow bot from single user instance
wolfgirl.bar https://federater.github.io/wolfgirl-bar.html
wolfie.pw https://federater.github.io/wolfie-pw.html
womenatmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
womenatmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
woof.foxxo.gay BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
wordpress.com AI data scraping
workatmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
workatmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
workers.dev unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
workonmeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
workonmeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
workplacefrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
workplacefrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
workroomsfrommeta.com We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
workroomsfrommeta.net We do not federate with Facebook/Meta
wreck.rocks https://federater.github.io/wreck-rocks.html
writehere.is unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
wx*.**e Child Sexual Abuse
xaetacore.net https://federater.github.io/xaetacore-net.html
xenofem.me https://federater.github.io/xenofem-me.html
xhais.love https://federater.github.io/xhais-love.html
xmrposter.club https://federater.github.io/xmrposter-club.html
xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb https://federater.github.io/xn--p1abe3d-xn--80asehdb.html
yams.lol unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
yggdr****.**cial Nazisim
youjo.love https://federater.github.io/youjo-love.html
you***.**wn Child Sexual Abuse
yukioke.com unified_tier1_blocklist 20230619
z0ne.social https://federater.github.io/z0ne-social.html
zet***.**ub Nsfw
zombiecats.run https://federater.github.io/zombiecats-run.html
zwezo.o-k-i.net BirdSiteLIVE/Bot
zztails.gay https://federater.github.io/zztails-gay.html